Skip to Main Content Reference and User Services Association Division of American Library Association Business Guides


Sponsored by the BRASS Education Committee.

The Committee reviews this guide on a three-year cycle. To report broken links, please send an email to and put “BRASS Education Committee” in the subject line.

Last reviewed: July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023
Next Review: 2024-2025

Scope of the Guide:

Management can be defined as "the organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives" (

It is an interdisciplinary field that draws upon business concepts and ideas from: marketing, economics, finance, insurance, transportation, accounting, computer technologies, information systems, engineering, and business law. In addition, mathematics, philosophy, sociology, and psychology have broad influence. Business reference for management researchers will tend to focus on navigating the relevant literature (scholarly, trade, and popular); however, needs can vary widely.

This guide provides resource suggestions for general management as well as for sub-topical areas of interest (business communications, innovation, leadership, and strategy) for managers. 

Suggested Search Terms:

management, manager(s), administration

Narrower: executives, personnel management, supervision

Related: mismanagement, toxic leadership, change management, crisis management, project management, total quality management (TQM), strategic management, management accounting, management controls

Trending: servant leadership

General Management Reference Books:

General Management Books:

Popular management authors:

General Management Periodicals:

Databases for Finding General Management Articles:

The following resources are subscription databases that can be used to search for general management articles. Check your public or academic library to see if they subscribe to these databases.

General Management Websites:

General Management Associations & Organizations:

Previously Maintained:

Katherine Howell
Western Kentucky University
Sarah J. Hammill
Florida International University
Andy Spackman
Brigham Young University


Susan Norrisey
University of Virginia
Natasha Arguello
University of Texas at San Antonio
Cheryl McCallips
Pennsylvania State University
Kay Ikuta
Inglewood Public Library (California)
Paul Arrigo
Penn State Shenango Library
Bill Kinyon
Mars Hill College
List originally compiled by:
Judith Faust
California State University at Hayward

 Content on this site is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
 ©2000-2021 BRASS Education Committee.

BRASS acknowledges Springshare's generous support in hosting the BRASS Business Guides.