This website contains publications published by the African Development Bank, such as annual reports, the African Economic Outlook, Statistical Yearbooks, working papers, etc.
"5-volume ed." (Skokie, IL: Accuity, 2006-). (semiannual) Two of the 5 volumes provide detailed listings for banks in more than 210 countries outside the United States. Volume 5, The Worldwide Correspondents Guide, contains information banks use to effect funds transfers and other international communications.
"The BIS is an international organisation which fosters cooperation among central banks and other agencies in pursuit of monetary and financial stability." The Federal Reserve Bank of the U.S. is a member. The BIS website includes an extensive section of full text "Publications and Statistics."
"The EBRD is owned by 73 countries, as well as the European Union and the European Investment Bank."
This website offer institutional and technical documents, as well as essays and glossaries.
Quarterly Federal Reserve Board report on the assets, loans, and deposits of all foreign bank offices in the United States and, separately, those of California and New York.
The IMF's website offers the texts of all their complementary publications, as well as news releases, country publications, fund rates, standards and codes and a "what's new" column.
This website allows access to the organization's publications, news and speeches, development economics, information, global bond information, world development marketplace, regions and countries, and operations and policies, as well as other resources related to the World Bank.
Proprietary database from Mergent, Inc. For financial, historical, and directory-style information for international banks, go to "Advanced Search" and choose the category "Industry Codes," subcategory "Any NAIC" and search by the digits 5211, 5221, or 52311, limited to "International Company Database."
Under the Data tab, access custom chart building with "All Country Data" including interest rates, inflation, exchange rates, monetary and budgetary indicators, etc.