This division centers on the management aspect of the production of goods and services. Topics include operations strategy, product and service development, supply chain management, project and quality management as well as various other issues dealing with operations.
The Annual Integrated Economic Survey (AIES) contains the former Annual Survey of Manufactures as of March 2024. This survey, issued and compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau, gathers information on all U.S. manufacturing establishments and offers aggregate data relevant to business operations.
A "leading professional association for supply chain and operations management." Offers research, news and opportunities for learning and professional development, including APICS certification.
An organization designed to "promote Operational Research throughout Europe." This site offers news, research publications, and more related to Operations in Europe.
A leading source of operations research, management science and analytics. Offers a variety of publications, education opportunities, conferences and much more.
An organization consisting of National operations societies of over 45 countries. This site offers news and research related to international operations research.
An organization that provides information and training to operations researchers in 53 countries. Offers news, research publications, and education opportunities.
This division centers on the management aspect of the production of goods and services. Topics include operations strategy, product and service development, supply chain management, project and quality management as well as various other issues dealing with operations.
Represents those involved in developments pertaining to international trade. Four key areas of focus are compliance, facilitation, safety, and security.
Association of buyers and purchasing managers. Offers certification programs, professional education in purchasing courses, other learning resources, research and more.
Nonprofit supply management research centre jointly sponsored by the Institute for Supply Chain Management and W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. Free registration is required.
A leading source of operations research, management science and analytics. Offers a variety of publications, education opportunities, conferences and much more.
Largest Supply Management association in the world. Provides information about education and training, conferences and networking, certification as well as a career center and publications.
SOLE is an international professional society designed to enhance the art and science of logistics technology, education and management. Individual members and chapters are found in 50 countries worldwide. The organization administers the Certified Professional Logistician Program and Certified Master Logistician.
The Center offers education, research and outreach programs related to logistics and supply chain management, including logistics modeling, demand management, international logistics, supply chain security, and management of transportation systems.