Skip to Main Content Reference and User Services Association Division of American Library Association Business Guides


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The Committee reviews this guide on a three-year cycle. To report broken links, please send an email to and put “BRASS Education Committee” in the subject line.

Last reviewed: July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023
Next Review: 2025-2026


Electronic commerce is defined as "a type of business model, or segment of a larger business model, that enables a firm or individual to conduct business over an electronic network, typically the internet" (Investopedia).

Electronic commerce (e-commerce) researchers can have a variety of needs: mechanics of how to do business on the Internet (web hosting and design); statistics about users and traffic; marketing strategies for the medium; and, future trends.

Suggested Searches:

e-commerce, ecommerce, Ecommerce, electronic commerce, web commerce, cyber commerce, e-business,online commerce, internet retailing, web retailing

Narrower: internet advertising, internet marketing, mobile commerce, m commerce, m-commerce

Related: internet sales, internet stores, internet strategy, online shopping, virtual economy

Possible 2017 NAICS Codes

454110 - Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses
425110 - Business to Business Electronic Markets
519130 - Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals

Possible 2022 NAICS Codes

455219 - Internet retail sales sites (except department store, warehouse club, and supercenter sites), new general merchandise
455211 - Internet supercenter/warehouse club sites
455110 - Internet Department Store Sites
459510 - Internet retail sales sites, used general merchandise

*The 2022 NAICS does not distinguish between online and brick-and-mortar, so the codes above also apply to their physical counterparts, as well.


General E-commerce Reference:

General E-commerce News & Periodicals:

General E-commerce Websites:

General E-commerce Organizations & Associations:

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©2000-2021 BRASS Education Committee.

BRASS acknowledges Springshare's generous support in hosting the BRASS Business Guides.