Skip to Main Content Reference and User Services Association Division of American Library Association Business Guides

BRASS Business Guide Volunteers

List of volunteers who have contributed to

The BRASS Business Guides include selected free and fee-based resources highly relevant to information professionals and users interested in business research. Resources are selected based on their quality, ease of use, and technical execution. Since the 1990s, the members of the BRASS Education Committee have been selecting and maintaining these resources. The BRASS Business Guides were created in 2014 by combining resources from the original Best of the Best Business Websites and Selected Core Resources guides and enhancing them with new selections.

Volunteer Editors 2023-2024

Amy Nykamp (Team Lead), Sonoma County Library

Christopher Sturgeon, University of South Florida

Emily Da Silva (Team Lead), University of Ottawa

Emily Mross, Penn State University

Erica Saito, World Bank

Henry Huang, New York University Shanghai

Jennilyn Wiley (Team Lead), Auburn University

Leticia Camacho, Brigham Young University

Maggie Marchant, Brigham Young University

Ryan Yoakum, Belmont University

Sarah Hammill, Florida International University

Sharonda Brown, Atlanta University Center

Susan Klopper, Emory University

Previous Editors (2014-2023)

We would like to thank the following volunteers for their contributions to creating, maintaining and updating the BRASS Business Guides during  the period from 2014 to 2023:

Adele Barsh, University of California, San Diego

Alan Witt, SUNY Geneseo

Aliqae Geraci, Cornell University

Alison Cruse, Western Carolina University

Allison Cruse, Western Carolina University

Alyson Vaaler, Texas A&M University

Amanda Click, American University

Amanda Kraft, College of Charleston

Amy Jansen, Southern Connecticut State University

Amy Nykamp, Sonoma County Library

Andy Spackman, Brigham Young University

Ann Fiegen, California State University, San Marcos

Ashley E. Faulkner, Princeton University

Ben Richards, Cleveland State University

Benjamin Hall, University of Southern California

Bill Kinyon, Mars Hill College

Bobi Bilz, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Bridget Farrell, University of Denver

Cara Cadena, Grand Valley State University

Carmen Orth-Alfie, University of Kansas

Caroline Lilyard, University of Minnesota

Celia Ross, Columbia College, Chicago

Chad Boeninger, Ohio State University

Chad Boeninger, Ohio University

Charles Allan, Texas State University

Cheryl McCallips, Pennsylvania State University

Christine Pawliuk, Colorado State University

Christine Pawliuk, Colorado State University Libraries

Christopher Sturgeon, University of South Florida

Connie Strittmatter, Fitchburg State University

Deborah Harrington, Texas A&M University

Dennis Smith, University of Pittsburgh

Desirae Zingarelli-Sweet, James Madison University

Doug Highsmith, California State University, Hayward

Edith Gilbreath

Elisabeth Leonard, University of California, San Diego

Emily Da Silva, University of Ottawa

G Arave, Indiana University, Bloomington

Gabriella Reznowski, Washington State University

Genifer Snipes, University of Oregon

Glenda Neely, University of Louisville

Glenn McGuigan, Penn State Harrisburg

Grace Liu, West Chester University

Heather Howard, Purdue University

Helen Kula, University of Toronto Mississauga 

Henry Huang, New York University Shanghai

Hiromi Kubo, California State University, Fresno

Holly Inglis, University of Toronto

Irene Weiner, Baker University, Baldwin City, KS

James Cory Tucker, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Jared Hoppenfeld, Texas A&M University

Jennifer Boettcher, Georgetown University

Jennifer Boettcher, Georgetown University Library

Jennilyn Wiley, Auburn University

Joel Thornton, Texas A&M University

John Juricek, University of Southern California

Jonathan Torres, Rutgers University, Newark

Jordan Nielsen, San Francisco State University

Joseph Straw, University of Akron

Judith Faust, California State University, Hayward

Kara Gust, Michigan State University

Katherine Howell, Western Kentucky University

Kay Ikuta, Inglewood Public Library (California)

Kelly Evans, University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Kelly LaVoice, Cornell University

Kerry Wu, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Kevin Harwell, Penn State University

Kimberly Fama, University of British Columbia

Lee Pike, University of Alabama

Les Kong, California State University, San Bernardino

Leticia Camacho, Brigham Young University

Linda Hauck, Villanova University

Louise Feldman, Colorado State University

Lucky Heckman, St. John's University

LuMarie Guth, Western Michigan University

Maggie Marchant, Brigham Young University

Maggie Patel, University of Cincinnati

Malcolm Brantz, Arapahoe Community College

Marie-Louise Watson, Georgia State University

Mary Aquila, Athens State University

Mary Martin, Claremont College

Michael Oppenheim, UCLA

Michelle Allen, Michigan State University

Mitch Winterman, University of Nevada, Reno

Monica Hagan, UCLA

Monica Singh, University of California

Natalia Dolan, University of Colorado, Boulder

Natasha Arguello, University of Texas at San Antonio

Nicole Slipp, University of New Brunswick Libraries

Nicole Webber, University of Northern Colorado

Nicollette Brant, California State University, Long Beach

Ophelia Chapman, University of North Carolina, Wilmington

Patti Sherbaniuk, University of Alberta

Paul Arrigo, Penn State, Shenango

Paul Brothers, University of Alabama

Penny Scott, University of San Francisco

Peter McKay, University of Florida

Phoebe Dickson, Drexel University

Rachel Kirk, Middle Tennessee State University

Rachel Montanez, Ocean County Library, Jackson Branch

Rhonda Kleiman, Library System of Lancaster County

Robbi De Peri, Vanderbilt University

Samantha Kannegiser, Rutgers University

Sara Hess, Penn State University Libraries

Sarah Hess, Penn State University

Sarah J. Hammill, Florida International University

Shaun Bennett, NC State University

Shikha Sharma, University of Connecticut

Stephanie Fairall, 15th Judicial Circuit

Steve Cramer, University of North Carolina, Greensboro

Susan Norrisey, University of Virginia

Susan Schreiner, Pittsburg State University

Teresa Williams, Butler University

Tony Lin

Valerie Linsinbigler, James Madison University

Van Houlson, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Victor Baeza, Oklahoma State University

Zachary Grisham, Marist College; Miami University

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©2000-2021 BRASS Education Committee.

BRASS acknowledges Springshare's generous support in hosting the BRASS Business Guides.