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Question: Can you recommend some resources where I can get hands on tips about some of the opportunities and pitfalls of investing on my own?

The Internet is a great resource for people to gather information about investing. Advice and tips for beginning investors can be found all across the Internet. A few of the better ones include:

Question: Where can I get more detailed information about a company's stock and the industry it belongs to?

A number of good sources are available that will profile individual stocks, dividend potential, and provide industry analysis. Some of these sources would include:

Question: Where can I get information on bonds?

There are a number of good sources available for researching bonds including:

Question: Where can I go to find magazine and newspaper articles about possible investment opportunities?

A number of places will allow you to search for articles that would discuss investment related issues including:

Question: Is there something that lists a variety of sources that can be used to research the finance/investment sector?

Bibliographies and literature guides are excellent places to begin or expand a research project. They can provide a framework on which to build a body of research. A few bibliographies that may be of help:

  • The Basic Business Library: Core Resources and Services, 5th Edition (Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2012)
    Provides a core list of current business resources, both print and online.
  • Encyclopedia of Business Information Sources (Detroit: Gale Research, triennial).
    A common title for most library business collections. This source talks about available sources in the finance/investment area by type of resource such as directories, dictionaries, and handbooks.
  • Strauss's Handbook of Business Information: A Guide for Librarians, Students, and Researchers, 3rd Edition (Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2012).
    Provides strategies and sources for business reference including research basic areas such as company information and for specific fields of business.
  • Making Sense of Business Reference: A Guide for Librarians and Research Professionals (Chicago, IL : American Library Association 2013).
    Covers business reference strategies and sources for topics ranging from marketing, to industry information, to investment research.

Question: Where can I go to get a quick quote and current analysis of a particular stock?

There are a number of places to find current stock information. Some include:

Question: How can I get information on publicly traded companies?

A vast amount of information about public companies is available to potential investors. A few places to look include:

Question: I am thinking of investing in mutual funds, where can I go to get information about it?

Mutual funds are a popular investment and savings device and a number of tools can provide information and analysis of different available funds.

Question: What are some of the principle magazine, journal, and newspaper titles that would deal with finance/investment?

There are many titles that cover finance/investment; here are some of the most popular:

Question: The world of finance/investment has all sorts of strange terms. Are there good dictionaries and handbooks that define the lingo that is used in this area of business?

The terminology of this field can be daunting. A number of sources are available including:

  • Barron's Finance & Investment Handbook (Hauppauge, N.Y.: Barron's Educational Series, 2014).
    A comprehensive guide that includes a large glossary, directory, research bibliography, and guide to personal investment.
  • A Dictionary of Finance and Banking, 6th Edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018).
    A good basic dictionary for finance and the related field of banking.
  • Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms (Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series, 2014).
    More than 5,000 terms related to stocks, bonds, mutual funds, banking, tax laws, and transactions in the various financial markets are presented alphabetically with descriptions.
  • Wall Street Lingo: Thousands of Investment Terms Explained Simply (Ocala, FL: Atlantic Publishing Group, 2007).
    A dictionary of terms organized by subject for those interested in words that are commonly used at the stock exchange.

Question: How do I reach people and professionals within this industry?

The finance/investment field has a large number of associations and organizations that represent investors and professionals and all levels. A few examples include:

  • Encyclopedia of Associations (Detroit: Gale Research).
    This standard directory has a large list of associations that pertain to the finance/investment area.
  • The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), 1735 K St. NW, Washington DC, 20006, (301) 590-6500, FINRA oversees over 5,000 brokerage firms, about 172,000 branch offices and more than 676,000 registered securities representatives.
  • Investment Company Institute, 1401 H St. NW, 12th Floor, Washington, DC 20005, (202) 326-5800,
    An association of investment companies that serve as a clearinghouse for information about mutual funds.
  • CFA Society New York, 1540 Broadway, Suite 1010, New York, NY 10036, (212) 541-4530,
    An association of investment professionals that work in New York based trading houses.
  • Security Traders Association, 1115 Broadway, New York, NY 10010, (646) 699-5996,
    The professional and trade association for licensed stock and security traders.

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