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BRASS Best Practices for Webinar and Online Presentation

Solicit Feedback

  • Conduct a post-event meeting for all the presenters, to get feedback on their experience of the technology, the content and the audience reaction. Keep track of what worked—and what didn’t.
  • Send a link to a feedback form to the attendees, including questions such as
    • Overall, how would you rate the quality of this webinar?
    • How satisfied were you with the technology used for this webinar?
    • How relevant was the topic of this webinar to you?
    • How would you rate the quality of the speaker(s)?
    • How likely are you to recommend this webinar to a colleague?
    • Do you have any suggestions for improving future webinars?
    • Do you have any other comments or questions you'd like to share?

Provide Materials

  • Within 24 hours, provide attendees with any materials you offered, such as white papers, the event recording or a copy of the presentation slides.

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 ©2000-2021 BRASS Education Committee.

BRASS acknowledges Springshare's generous support in hosting the BRASS Business Guides.